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Four Surprising Benefits of Decluttering

When you’re so busy that you can barely keep up with the basic housework, much less the deep cleaning, decluttering can seem like a poor use of your time. After all, there are always tasks that are more pressing, and all of that extra junk that’s lying around isn’t really hurting anything, is it?

As it turns out, living in a house that’s full of clutter affects you more than you know, and finally getting rid of all the clutter will help you more than you realize. Here are four surprising benefits of decluttering that will motivate you to finally get rid of all that extra junk!

Related: 10 Tips for Decluttering Your Home

1. Increased Energy and Mental Clarity

I don’t know about you, but every time I look around my home and see all the clutter, I get tired just thinking about it. I have a really hard time focusing, and I never seem to get much done. When I finally go though and declutter, however, it’s like the fog lifts. Suddenly I have more energy and mental clarity, and I can get a whole lot more done.

If you need motivation getting started on your decluttering process, I highly recommend reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. This book has taught me so much in a short period of time! It’s a #1 bestseller! I still have a lot of work to do, but this book has taught me the necessary steps to take in order to keep from rebounding in the future!

2. More Time

How much time do you spend each week looking for items that you can’t find? Even if it’s only five minutes here and there, all that time that you spend looking for paper, keys, your phone, etc really adds up. Get rid of all the things you no longer need and assigned everything you do need a home. You’ll save so much time.

3. Altered Spending Habits

One of the most surprising benefits of decluttering is how it will change your relationship with your money and your stuff. No longer will you continue to buy, buy, buy just because an item is only a few dollars and you figure “why not?” Instead, you’ll start to really evaluate and prioritize your purchases. When you’re living minimally, you really have to be more choosy, and this means far fewer impulse purchases.

Do you have a difficult time keeping toy clutter under control? Read Four Brilliant Toy Organization Tips You Need to Try

4. Increased Bank Account Balance

Lastly, decluttering can actually save you money. Not only will you be less likely to make impulse purchases in the future, but you can sell a lot of the items you get rid of for cold, hard cash. Even if you end up donating the items rather than selling them, you can still claim them as tax deductions, saving you come tax time.

Read How Decluttering Can Actually Save You Money

Convinced of the benefits, but not sure how you’ll find the time? Don’t make the decluttering process more difficult than it has to be. Set aside one weekend to go through your home one room at a time, purging as much junk as you can.

Alternately, you could box absolutely everything up, take items out as you need them over a few months, and then get rid of anything that remains in the box a few months later. This method is a little drastic, but it’s quick and it works.

When’s the last time you went through and did a massive decluttering? Did you experience any of the four benefits mentioned above?

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