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Toddler Diaper Bag Essentials

Are you heading out with your toddler soon? Learn what to pack in a diaper bag for a toddler with these toddler diaper bag essentials!

I’m a busy mom on the go with a 15 month old toddler in tow. Before I leave the house, I have to make sure I’m prepared with everything I need for a successful outing.

Diaper Bag Checklist: What to Pack in a Diaper Bag

Best Diaper Bag Backpack

I don’t want to be caught running errands with an unhappy baby boy all because I forgot to bring the essentials to keep him happy. If I’m planning a trip to the grocery store, the park, or even after school activities, I make sure my diaper bag is well stocked for every trip.

Today I’m going to share with you all of my diaper bag essentials that help keep baby boy happy when we are on-the-go.

Diaper Bag Essentials Checklist Printable

Toddler Diaper Bag Essentials


I recommend packing at least five diapers at all times any time you are on the run. You probably won’t use them all, but at least you’ll have extras on hand in case you get caught up somewhere and your errands run longer than you expected.

Buy diapers here.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloth Diapers

Baby Wipes

Always keep a package of wipes in your diaper bag. Of course these are helpful for diaper changes, but they are always helpful for other things like spills, snotty noses, and wiping off dirt or food from little faces and hands

. I actually used our wipes today to wipe the handle off on our shopping cart because it was a little sticky when I was shopping — ick!

Buy baby wipes here.

Diaper Rash Cream

Toddlers can get diaper rashes for a variety of reasons. You definitely don’t want to get caught out and about running errands with a baby that has diaper rash. Diaper rash can be super uncomfortable for baby, causing him or her to squirm around in pain.

I recommend keeping diaper rash cream in your diaper bag for those times when your baby needs quick relief from the pain caused by diaper rash.

Buy diaper rash cream here.

Spill Proof Sippy Cup

Take your toddler’s favorite sippy cup filled with water, juice or milk.

When my toddler gets squirmy, I often find that he loves to grab a hold of his sippy cup and take a few sips from it. Sometimes he likes to hold it and play with his sippy cup so at least it keeps him entertained for a bit.

Buy sippy cups here.


I keep a variety of snacks in my diaper bag. My toddler loves to eat different types of crackers when we are out and about. They are easy to hand him and they keep him happy for a little while.

Buy snacks for baby here.

Small Toys

It’s a good idea to keep a few fun toys in your diaper bag to keep your toddler entertained. I try to keep a few items in the bag that he hasn’t seen in a while because I find that it holds his attention longer if it’s something he hasn’t played with much.

Buy small toys here.

You can even hand your toddler toys from the shelf if you are comfortable doing that. This toy kept my boy happy for a while when I was out shopping for Christmas this week.

Extra change of clothes 

Keep an extra set of clothes in your diaper bag (I place mine in a gallon size storage bag) for times when you may need to change your toddler’s clothes due to potty accidents, spills, getting dirty, or other reasons.

All of the items listed above are my diaper bag essentials that I must have with me whenever and wherever I go with my toddler. When I have all of these things ready and available, I’m a happy mama and he’s a happy boy.

Diaper Bag Essentials Checklist

Diaper Bag Checklist

Diaper Bag Checklist

Diaper Bag Checklist Printable

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