It can be tough getting out the door every morning as a busy mom! There’s so much to do. Read our Morning Routine Tips for Moms to help!

The morning can be a bit chaotic if not planned out well. Do you find yourself in a frazzled mess every morning trying to get everyone fed, dressed, and out of the door on time? If so, this is for you! Follow these seven steps to speed up your morning routine and get out the door faster!
Morning Routine Tips for Moms
Set items out the night before.
This includes your clothes, children’s clothes, shoes, keys, wallet, purse, phones, backpacks and other school belongings. It’s easy to waste time in the morning trying to figure out what to wear as well as looking for lost wallets, keys, and school items. Save yourself some time and place these items out the night before so you aren’t caught looking in the toy boxes for your keys. If you have young children, consider a hanging closet organizer to organize their clothes for the week. Have siblings help other siblings get dressed if they are old enough.
Stay off of electronic gadgets.
Over the past few years, I’ve changed the way I use technology. I’ve been very guilty of checking my email in the morning and even scrolling through Facebook to check updates when I should be getting ready for the morning. After deciding to place strict limits on my electronics time in the morning, I easily gained an extra 15-20 minutes of time and stopped feeling rushed. I use my extra time to snuggle or read with my girls, as well as play outside in the backyard for a few minutes before school. Sometimes I’m able to tidy up a room in the house or do a load of dishes!
Prepare school or office lunches the night before.
Mommy confession: I hate packing lunches. I giggle often at how my husband and I beg each other to make the kid’s lunches. It’s definitely not on our “favorite things to do” list and ends up costing us 5-10 minutes in the morning to figure out what to pack in their lunchboxes for school. Prepare your child’s lunch or your own lunch for the office at night and they’ll be ready to go in the morning!
Establish a good morning routine with the kids.
Young children thrive on routines so if children know what they are expected to do in the morning, this will save you a LOT of time. It will also help cut down on the screaming and yelling that may go on when trying to get kids to listen in the morning! My girls LOVE Daniel Tiger on PBS. One of our favorite songs on Daniel Tiger goes like this, “Clothes On, Eat Breakfast, Brush Teeth, Put On Shoes, and Off To School!” This song helps them to remember the steps of getting dressed and out the door each morning! (Thanks, Daniel Tiger for making our life easier around here!)
Take baths and showers the night before.
Save time in the morning by giving the kids a bath or taking showers the night before. It takes me about 20 minutes to blow dry my hair. I have thick hair and to get it completely dry, I spend a lot of time on my hair when I could be enjoying my morning. By taking a shower and blow drying my hair at night, I save about 30 minutes altogether in the morning.
Invest in a Keurig
If you have room in your budget and you are a coffee drinker, consider investing in a single cup coffee maker. My husband and I have had a Keurig for several years and it would be very hard to go back to a traditional coffee maker! These are great to have if you are on-the-go and need to make a quick cup of coffee and get out the door in a hurry!
Keep breakfast simple.
There’s no need to cook a hot breakfast for the family each morning, unless you just really love doing it. Serve cereal a few days a week or toast with fresh fruit every now and then to give yourself a break and to save time!
Enjoy these time saving tips for a more successful morning each day!
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