I work from home most of the day and keep two of my children home with me. I guess you can call me a WAHM (work-at-home mom). My 4 year old daughter and my 4 month old baby boy require a lot of attention during the day.
I take several breaks from my work to pay attention to their needs. There are many days where I choose to work at night after the kids are in bed because I simply can’t get a lot of work done when I’m taking care of them during the day.
I set my alarm each day for 1:45pm. This is the time I need to start wrapping up what I’m doing and prepare to pick up my oldest daughter from school. I have to pick her up by 2:30pm. From 1:45pm to about 2:15pm, I try to feed the baby, change his diaper, and load up the car. Sometimes I’m still trying to get myself dressed for the day at that time!
Juggling all of these daily tasks can be exhausting. By the time I pick up my daughter, I’m worn out and know that I still need to pull it together to spend time with her.
As soon as my daughter gets home from school, it’s snack time! She heads to the pantry and the refrigerator and rummages around until she finds a few snacks that she likes. With three kids in the house, I have to keep a stockpile of snacks around for my hungry little ones.
I compiled a list of our favorite snacks that we keep on hand for the kids. I chose my top 5, and here they are! Stock up on these snacks during your next shopping trip!
After School Snack Ideas
Pretzels and Peanut Butter
Pretzels and peanut butter are a great snack combination! Simply dip the pretzels in the peanut butter for extra protein! Choose between pretzel sticks or fun pretzel shapes.

String Cheese
Cheese sticks are easy and convenient to serve as an after-school snack. They are made with milk and are a good source of calcium and protein.
These tasty, easy, and convenient cheese sticks are perfect for lunch boxes as well.

Keep fresh fruit on hand for the kids to munch on after school. Eat them whole or slice them up! Apples are also great for dipping in peanut butter, too.

There are many different types of crackers to choose from to serve as an after-school snack. Pair crackers with string cheese to add protein!

Yogurt is a popular choice at my house! Yogurt is easy to serve and includes calcium and protein, too. There are many different flavors to choose from. Add fresh fruit or granola to the yogurt!

These are our top choices for after-school snacks: pretzels with peanut butter, string cheese, apple slices, crackers, and yogurt. I’d love to know what snacks you would add to the list.
Create a plate with a few of the choices and serve them all together if you wish!

What after-school snacks do you stock up on for the kids?
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