If you are a mom, date nights with your husband can be few and rare. When you do get the chance to spend an evening out with the love of your life and while the kids are at home with the babysitter, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible. The last thing you want to do is run back home or stop at a store during these precious hours with your man, so keeping the following items below handy will ensure that you’ll be able enjoy memorable moments during your date.
Date Night Essentials
Lip Moisturizer
The winter is approaching and this is time when our lips can become dry and chapped. Keep your lips soft and kissable during your date night with a lip moisturizer.
Compact mirror w/powder
A mirror is a great addition to your bag of date night essentials. You can use your mirror to check to see if you have food in your teeth, or if you need to reapply makeup. The powder will help to hide any shiny spots on your face and keep you looking your best.

Are you heading to the movies? Depending on the content of the movie, tissues can help dry up the tears. Tissues also come in handy to blot lipstick or even in times when you may have a runny nose.

Mints or Gum
When you are out on a date, you may be sitting closer to your date than usual. Mints or gum can help banish bad breath. These are also great to have if you eat certain foods that may cause bad breath such as garlic, onions, etc. You may want to pop one of these in your mouth before you kiss your date goodnight!

If you are heading out on a date soon, be prepared with the essentials listed above. Don’t leave home without these items since they can help you look and feel your best while you are spending time with your date.
What would you add to your bag of date night essentials?
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