If they had their way, teens (particularly girls) would visit the local mall at least once a week. New jeans, shoes, purses, and electronic gadgets beckon them like sweet honey to a baby bear. So how are you going to manage taking one or more teens to the mall without going mad?
Here are some tips for how to get through – and potentially even enjoy – a shopping trip with your teenager.
How to Shop With A Teenager
Set Spending Limits
This trip is eventually going to come down to dollars and cents. Decide in advance how much you will allow your teen to spend. Are they bringing their own hard-earned money, or spending yours? Whether it’s $20 or $200 you’ll be shelling out, if you know before you set foot in the mall, it will avoid drama later. Chances are, they’ll still go looking for you when they run out of money, so be firm. If they ask for more money, make sure they ‘earn’ it by doing additional chores for you in the upcoming week.
Don’t Follow Your Teen
For your own mental health, let your teen bring a friend shopping. You really don’t want to go into all those heavily scented, mysteriously dark, outrageously loud teen clothing stores, do you? And no doubt your teen doesn’t want to be caught dead with you in there anyway. They (and you) will have a much better time if they are accompanied by a pal. Make sure they have a cell phone with them – have them set it to vibrate and keep it in their pocket – the stores are too loud for them to hear it ring. Agree on a time and place to meet.
Freedom for Mom
Why not use the opportunity to go shopping for yourself? Parents often too busy to take time to go shopping for themselves, so chauffeuring teens to the mall is the perfect excuse for indulgence! A visit to a bookstore, coffee shop, or shoe store provides a unique opportunity for you to relax. It’s a great time to pick out a gift for a friend, change your wireless phone service or get your rings cleaned. Who knows – you might even find yourself on one of the cozy couches malls have been putting out lately – drinking coffee reading a magazine. Yippee!
Believe it or not, you and your teen can have fun shopping together – if you know in advance what the guidelines for the trip are! So shop til you drop and have fun in your teen’s favorite environment.
What tips can you add to how to shop with a teenager?
Find more tips for moms with teenagers here.
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