Routines are very important if you are a busy mom. Learn How to Create a Morning Routine to help you get your days organized!

I used to be a morning person–back before I had kids and I had nowhere to be in the mornings. Now, it seems as though every morning is a never-ending stream of “rush, rush, rush!” especially with the new school year starting and trying to figure out our new routine. Thankfully, I think we’ve finally settled into a good routine. We’re getting out the door quicker, and we’re having a more pleasant time doing it.
If you are still struggling with rushed and chaotic mornings like I was, then you’ll definitely want to try these five ways to streamline your morning routines. You may just find out that you like mornings after all!
How to Create a Morning Routine
Set Everything Out the Night Before
The last thing you want on a busy school morning is to be running around the house looking for shoes or keys. The less things you have to do or find in the morning, the better. Set complete outfits out on the dresser, set backpacks by the door and finish packing everyone’s lunches the night before. Make sure your keys are on the hook or in the dish, all permission slips are signed and your phone is fully charged. This will help eliminate last minute surprises and catastrophes.
Go to Bed and Wake Up Early
If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, your days are going to be off to a lousy start. Instead, go to bed early so you get the sleep you need, and wake up a little earlier so you won’t have to rush. Then, you can start your morning routine on a more rested and leisurely note.
Start the Day Doing Something You Love
Waking up a few minutes earlier also gives you time to start the day with something that you love. Maybe you like to exercise in the morning before the kids wake up. Maybe you like to go out on the back deck and enjoy a cup of coffee or some quiet time. If there is something you can do to get your day started out right, it is worth waking up an extra 15 minutes early to find time to do it.
Teach Your Children to Be Responsible for Themselves
The more tasks your children can do for themselves in the morning, the less you will have to do and the less stressed you will be. If your kids are school aged, they can be responsible for getting dressed themselves, making their beds, brushing their teeth and eating their breakfast. Using picture charts and timers is a great way to help them see what they need to do and to stay on task. Or make getting ready into a game. Once they’ve practiced their new routine a few times, hopefully it will become habit.
How to Teach Your Kids Responsibility
Get Rid of Distractions
If your morning routine is always busy and full of chaos, what distractions can you eliminate to help you streamline the process? Do you need to wait to check your email or do the dishes until later in the day? Do you need to put the baby to bed a little bit later so he will sleep in a little while you get the older kids ready? Think about which tasks distract you and find ways to work around them.
Are your mornings rushed and stressful? What steps do you need to take to streamline the process? Do you have any other tips to add?
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