Learn how to make this Popsicle Stick Winter Bucket List craft and activity to enjoy with the family during the cold winter months!

Are you struggling to find activities and ideas to keep the kids busy over the winter season?
Let’s face it. The winter months can be a bit long. With the cold temperatures sticking around, kids are more likely to want to sit around inside the house.
It doesn’t have to be this way! There are several winter activities that you can take advantage of as a family.
Bucket List Ideas for Families
This craft idea below is a great way to mix up the winter fun.
You’ll find a variety of activities to do that are both in home and out of the home! Use this winter bucket list to enjoy the rest of the winter months while you can.

Popsicle Stick Winter Bucket List
- wooden craft sticks
- metal bucket
- ribbon
- paper shred
- snowflake cut out
- washable markers
- craft paint
- glue gun and glue gun sticks
- scissors
- paintbrush
- white shipping tag
- black permanent marker
- pencil

Paint twelve wooden craft sticks (on both sides) with a variety of winter inspired colors. Set aside to dry.
Apply a second coat if needed. Set aside to dry.

Using a pencil and then a permanent black marker, write a winter bucket list activity for the family on each of the twelve craft sticks.
Tip: Ask the kids to help you come up with ideas if you’d like!
You can also use the back of each craft stick to add more activities.
Winter Bucket List Activities
- Build a Snowman
- Volunteer
- Host a Game Night
- Send Care Package
- Toast S’Mores
- Make DIY Valentines
- Hot Cocoa By the Fire
- Visit a Museum
- Donate Used Toys
- Make a Blanket Fort
- PJ Movie Day
- Go Ice Skating

Measure and cut the blue ribbon to wrap around the metal bucket. Attach the ribbon with a glue gun.
Using the light and medium blue washable markers, create a plaid pattern on the white shipping tag by drawing grids.
Write WINTER BUCKET LIST on the tag with a permanent black marker.
Cut an 8-inch length of blue ribbon, loop through shipping tag and tie to the handle of the metal bucket.
Accent with a snowflake cut out.

Add the white paper shred to the bucket and then insert the winter bucket list craft sticks.
Remove each stick as the family completes the activity.
Add dates to the craft sticks and incorporate them into journal entries or scrapbook pages for added fun!

Create this winter bucket list in just about 30 minutes with coloring, painting and printing help from the kids!

Winter Bucket List Activity

- Wooden Craft Sticks
- Metal Bucket
- Ribbon, Blue
- Paper Shred, White
- Snowflake Cut Out
- Washable Markers
- Craft Paint – Variety of Winter Colors
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Paintbrush
- Shipping Tag – White
- Permanent Marker – Black
- Pencil
Base coat twelve wooden craft sticks with a variety of Winter inspired colors. Let dry and the apply a second coat, if necessary. Because these sticks will be seen from both sides, flip over and paint the backs of the craft sticks.
Using a pencil and then a permanent black marker, write a Winter Bucket List activity on each of the twelve craft sticks. Get the kiddos involved to create your list! You can also use the back of each craft stick to add more activities.
Measure and cut a length of blue ribbon to wrap around the circumference of the metal bucket, and then attach with the glue gun. Using the light and medium blue washable markers, create a plaid pattern on the white shipping tag by drawing grids. Write WINTER BUCKET LIST on the tag with a permanent black marker. Cut an 8-inch length of blue ribbon, loop through shipping tag and tie to the handle of the metal bucket. Accent with a snowflake cut out.
Add the white paper shred to the bucket and then insert the Winter Bucket List craft sticks. Remove each stick as the family completes the activity. Add dates to the craft sticks and incorporate them into journal entries or scrapbook pages for added fun!
Create this Winter Bucket List in just about 30 minutes with coloring, painting and printing help from the kids!
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