As moms, we spend a lot of time making sure our kids are taken care of so that all of their needs are met. However, in the process, we can lose focus on other things in life that matter, such as relationships with others. With never ending to-do lists and chores galore, it’s important to have a nice balance between family, work, household chores, and relationships. If you’ve been putting relationships aside, such as your relationship with your significant other, it’s time to re-focus on that special someone in your life. Here’s a list of romantic things to do for your husband.
Romantic Things to Do For Your Husband
Day 1: Make a cup of coffee in the morning.
My husband and I enjoy coffee first thing in the morning. I know how happy I am when he makes a fresh cup of coffee for me in the morning. I like to return the favor and have a cup ready for him as soon as he comes downstairs. Drinking coffee together and chatting about life is one of our favorite things to do as a married couple.
Day 2: Plan a passionate night of romance.
Plan an intimate evening of romance! Schedule a night where you and your husband can focus on each other behind closed doors. Make sure the kids are asleep before you begin this exciting night with your husband so that you can fully focus on each other. The last thing you want to hear is a knock on the door because your kids need something! Create an extra special evening by wearing a new piece of lingerie for your husband.
Day 3: Give him a hug.
Sometimes a hug is all it takes to perk your man right up. Hugs are perfect, especially if your husband’s love language is physical touch. Surprise your guy with a hug and it just might make his day a little better! Hugs are free!
Day 4: Send a sweet text message.
Texting seems to be a popular way to communicate these days. Sending text messages can be simple and easy. Texts do not have to be long since a few kind words can go a long way. Send a random text message while your husband is at work. Let him know how thankful you are for him. Tell him something he does that you really love or appreciate.
Day 5: Buy tickets to his favorite event.
Is there an event coming to your area soon? Maybe it’s a sporting event, concert, car show, etc. Buy tickets to this event and surprise him! My husband would be thrilled if I purchased football tickets to be able to watch his favorite team play!
This would one of my husband’s favorites on the list of Romantic Things to Do For Your Husband!
Day 6: Enjoy a hobby together.
Does your husband have a certain hobby that he enjoys? Express interest in the things that he loves to do and try to learn more about this particular hobby. Eventually, this can be something that the both of you end up enjoying together. If you aren’t as interested in his hobby, it’s always a good idea to give him time to enjoy these hobbies alone. For example, my husband loves golf. I learned how to golf a few years ago and it’s turned into one of my hobbies! We like to plan golf dates together when he gets a day off. I also encourage him often to go golfing on his own –something he loves to do, too. We try to keep a good balance between the two.
Day 7: Cook a special dinner.
What is your husband’s favorite meal to eat? Spend some time in the kitchen creating and cooking your husband’s favorite meal. Include a special dessert to enjoy after dinner. Make this extra special by adding a nice place setting and candle to the table.
Day 8: Clean the house.
Schedule a day to clean the house for your husband. My husband loves to come home to a clean home. When he comes home after a long day at work, he’s able to put his feet up and enjoy his evening instead of looking around at the piles of mess which can increase stress and anxiety. We both love a clean house (who doesn’t?) so it’s important to us to keep our home neat, tidy, and as clutter free as possible. It’s all about the “choreplay!” Light the candles to make it cozy and smelling fresh!
Day 9: Make his lunch and include a note on a napkin.
Prepare a lunch for your husband to enjoy at work by including a few of his favorite foods, snacks, and drinks. Make it special by including a napkin with a handwritten personal message on the napkin. Not only is the lunch a nice gesture, the extra note inside will be a extra special pick me up that he may need during a stressful workday.
Day 10: Plan a couples massage.
A couples massage can be a great way to relieve stress and tension together. Schedule a couples massage soon and let the stress melt away!
Day 11: Hire a babysitter, get dressed up, and go on a romantic date.
Plan a date night out on the town. Hire a babysitter to watch the kids. Dress up and put on your favorite perfume and then head out to a romantic setting and enjoy each other’s company. When you are out with your husband, avoid talking about the children (easier said than done!) Focus on just the two of you. Talk about your dreams and your future together!
Day 12: Say “I Love You.”
There’s a lot of power in these three words. Verbally tell your husband that you love him as often as you can. If you have trouble verbalizing it, write it on a sticky note and leave it on the mirror so that he can see it before he leaves for work. You can also write a sweet card and place it in his car so that he sees it before he goes to work.
I hope you enjoyed this list of romantic things to do for your husband! Get creative and add new ways to be romantic this holiday season and show your significant other how much you care.
What would you add to the list of ways to be romantic? What would you add to this list of Romantic Things to Do For Your Husband?
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