Struggling with time management as a mom? Learn how to make a daily schedule for yourself!

As moms, we have a lot on our plates each and every day.
We have children to feed and clothe, dinner to make, and laundry to wash. And no matter how much we clean, it seems like it is never enough.
Every time we look around, there is something else that needs to be done. It can be really overwhelming.
One technique I absolutely depend on to help me get everything done each day is a daily schedule. Without my schedule, I tend to just start cleaning haphazardly with whatever is closest to me.
I pick up a few socks, I put a few dishes away, and then I ultimately end up on Facebook about 15 minutes later with a house that looks no cleaner than when I started.
Any cleaning that I do manage to accomplish never stays accomplished, and at the end of the day, I feel like I’ve cleaned all day with no real progress to show for it.
How to Make a Daily Schedule for Yourself
I sat down and made a schedule. Here’s the steps I took, that you can take too!
1. I made a list of all things that I want to get done every day.
2. I divided my day into segments (You can work around your kids’ nap times).
3. I assigned different tasks to different segments, keeping in mind how productive I tend to be during each block.
For example, you may be most productive during morning nap time. If you have a solid block of time without interruptions and are fully awake, you can get things done. I use the mornings as my writing time.
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Mid-afternoon, however, can be a little different. Children will need attention. Mid-afternoon is a great chance to knock out smaller tasks that don’t take a lot of concentration or time, such as responding to emails or picking up toys before my husband comes home.
Benefits of Having a Daily Schedule
I love my daily schedule, and not just because I love crossing things off a list. Here are a few reasons why:
1. When important tasks are a part of my schedule, I don’t forget them.
2. I am able to maximize my time by doing tasks at a time when I will do them best.
3. I don’t have to be overwhelmed with ALL that there is to do because I’ve got a plan.
4. I don’t get distracted as easily. I know that if I just focus on the thing that I am scheduled to be doing right now, everything will get done eventually.
5. I don’t waste as much time on things that don’t matter.
6. I waste less time switching between tasks because I already know what I need to do next.
7. Crossing items off of a list gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Even if the majority of my house is still trashed, I got one task done, and that is a win! This gives me energy for the next task.
8. At the end of the day, I can see that YES, I DID get things done today. I have a whole list of crossed-off items to prove it.
For those of you who hate schedules, it is okay to have a looser schedule.
For example, I don’t schedule out every little cleaning task. I schedule cleaning times, working times, and family times. You’ll need to find the balance that works best for you.
But if you don’t use a schedule already, I encourage you to give it a try! You may be surprised just how much time you save!
Do you schedule out your day? Does it help you stay on track?
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