Looking for a way to display your child’s princess dresses? Try this easy princess dress hanging rack to organize the dresses!

My girls love to dress up. It may be one of their favorite things to do around here! We’ve been collecting princess dresses for about six years and have a nice collection of princess dresses. However, we were running into issues.
We never really had a place to hang these beautiful princess dresses so that my girls would have easy access to them. The princess dresses were either too high in the closets or shoved into a small storage box for wrinkles to set in.
I wasn’t happy with the way we stored their princess dresses and I wanted my girls to be able to dress up during playtime without having to drag the boxes down or take them down from the closet.
>>> Stock up on princess dresses and accessories! <<<
I searched online for princess dress hanger systems, but was a bit discouraged when I saw that the prices on most of them. I didn’t want to pay that much so I kept searching.
The next best thing I saw that I felt would do the job that I needed and that was still affordable for me was the Whitmor Adjustable Two Rod Garment Rack.
I just left off the wheels at the bottom and the top tier and it was perfect for hanging their princess dresses!
After putting our princess dress rack together, I gathered all of the princess dresses and hung them up for my girls to enjoy.
I was pleased with this new way of organizing our princess dresses and my girls have easy access for princess pretend play!
If you want to get even more creative, consider spray painting the rack and adding ribbon, etc. to it!
Here are more options for princess dress hanging racks:
Frenchi Home Furnishing Kid’s Clothes Hanger
Don’t forget hangers!
AmazonBasics Kids Velvet Hangers 30-Pack
Don’t forget the princess dresses and accessories, too!
How do your organize your child’s princess dresses?
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