Are you ready to potty train your little boy? Read these Potty Training Tips for Boys to help you get started with this transition!

It’s no secret that boys typically take longer to potty train than girls. Have you been working with your son for a while and are feeling discouraged? As a mom or dad, you’re not alone. Thankfully, one thing you can be sure of, is that eventually, your son is going to figure it out. Here are a few things that you can try that may actually help with potty training your son and get them more comfortable with the idea.
Potty Training Tips for Boys
Have a Child-Size Potty
Potty training is already intimidating to your little guy as it is. Make sure there’s a child-size potty that he can call his own for extra confidence.
Or, consider one of these potty seats with a ladder.Create a Training Schedule
Creating a training schedule means adapting and changing yours. This might inconvenience you at times and leave you cleaning up accidents, but getting your family on board, will not only help him but everyone can motivate him. You’ll want to address this with your daycare or preschool provider as well.
Allow Him to Run Around Naked
Boys will be boys, and there’s no better way of allowing them, then the freedom to run around buck naked. A child that’s naked will more likely realize when they have to go because they don’t have the comforts of a diaper to protect from making a mess. Just be aware that accidents will happen, but they’ll be more conscious of when they need to go.
Teach Him Sitting Down First
Have your son learn how to sit down using the bathroom, before learning how to stand while going. You may have to show them how it’s done and have them, copycat mom or dad.
Have Target Practice
Once they’ve mastered peeing while sitting down, make it fun by setting up target practice for them. Throw a few Cheerios or something else small that’s disposable and encourage them to hit the target.
Get Him Cool Underwear
For a toddler, there’s nothing cooler than receiving underwear with superheroes, or more of their favorite cartoon characters. Show them that big boys wear big boy underwear and that they don’t need diapers anymore. You can make the transition by switching completely to underwear or have them wear it over their diaper or pull-ups.
Make Them Comfortable
Boys, just like men, like to feel comfortable while spending time in their throne room. Have a few of their favorite books in the bathroom (just like dad) to get them more comfortable with the idea of using it.
Avoid Making It a Big Deal
Although it can be frustrating and you just wish they would figure it out, avoid making potty training a big deal in front of them. If they’re feeling your frustrations and every time you’re upset, it’s only going to make it a harder and longer, more drawn-out process.
Don’t Rush It
Potty training for boys is not always done on our timetable, but theirs. Remember not to rush it, because your son will finally get it when he’s ready.
Reward Him for Going
When you’re teaching them to use the potty, promise and give them a reward for going. This could be promising them new underwear or giving them a piece of candy for doing a job well done. Remember to celebrate their accomplishments and let them see how proud you are of them.
These are several potty training tips that you can use for boys. If you’re a momma of a boy that’s been through potty training, what methods worked best for you?
Read more potty training tips.
When Should I Potty Train My Toddler?
Potty Training Supplies for Toddlers
Potty Training Tips for Public Restrooms
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