Are you looking for potty training tips for your daughter?
I’ve successfully trained two girls with potty training, but I couldn’t have done it without these potty training tips for girls.

Whether she’s just started to show an interest in using the potty, or is already a pro at it, we’ve got you covered.
From rewards and incentives to different techniques to try, we’ll help make this process as smooth and stress-free as possible for both of you.
Read on for all the information you need to get started!
When Should I Potty Train My Toddler
Potty Training Supplies for Toddlers
Potty Training Tips for Girls
What Girls Should Wear When Potty Training
Consider potty training skirts when starting your potty training. A potty training skirt is a garment worn by young girls as they learn to use the toilet. The skirt helps to keep the child’s clothing clean and also provides a modesty shield for when they are using the potty.
Most potty training skirts are made from absorbent materials, such as cotton, which can help to keep the child dry and comfortable.
Some skirts also have built-in panties, which make them easy to put on and take off.
Potty training skirts are a great option for girls who want to feel more feminine and modest while they learn to use the toilet.
Tights and leggings should be avoided when toilet training a girl since they are difficult to pull down and back up.
Potty Training Supplies for Toddlers
Offer Rewards and Incentives
When potty training, it is important to make sure your child is rewarded for their successes. Here are some rewards and incentives you can give your potty-training child:
– Praise and positive reinforcement
– Treats (e.g. stickers, small toys, etc.)
– Extra privileges (e.g. staying up a little later, choosing what they want to wear, etc.)
– A celebration (e.g. cake, ice cream, etc.) when they successfully potty train
It is important to find what works best for your child and to keep track of their progress.
Some children may need more encouragement than others, so don’t be afraid to try different rewards and incentives until you find something that works.
Use a potty training chart to keep track of your child’s progress! Here’s a great selection of printable potty training charts for girls.

Printable Potty Training Chart

Printable Rainbow Potty Training Chart
Read Books about Potty Training
Reading books about potty training to toddlers can help motivate them and give them the information they need to potty train successfully.
Potty training books are filled with helpful tips and tricks, as well as cute stories that will keep your child engaged.
If you are potty training your daughter, be sure to check out some of these potty training books.
Teach Correct Posture When Potty Training
When people think of children spraying urine during potty training, they undoubtedly think of boys.
However, girls often have this problem, too. It is usually because she is sitting on the potty with her pelvis tilted forward.
Teach girls to sit up straight with their bottoms tucked underneath them and their knees together.
If this doesn’t seem to correct the problem, or if parents suspect that there are other issues at play, they should have their daughter examined by her pediatrician.
Potty Training Tips for Public Restrooms
Help Toddlers Girls Detect Urination
Sometimes little girls will sit on the potty for a while, then get up thinking that they have urinated when they actually haven’t.
Girls are at the disadvantage of not being able to “see” it like boys can. This is especially true if they are using the toilet instead of a potty training chair, when there is already liquid in the bowl.
Parents can help girls to “see” when they have urinated by using a potty chair and placing a sheet of toilet paper at the bottom of the bowl. If it is wet, it will be easier for girls to tell that they have gone.
Potty Training Seats for Girls | Potty Training Books for Girls | Training Pants for Girls
Girl Potty Training and UTI Risks
Toddler girls are especially susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTIs,) which are often caused by improper wiping after a bowel movement.
During potty training, one of the first lessons parents teach should be how to wipe from front to back.
Potty Training for Girls With Brothers
When they start using the adult toilet instead of a training potty, little girls should also be taught to routinely check that the seat is in the “down” position before using the bathroom.
This is especially important if there are older brothers at home, who might forget to put the seat down every time.
Nothing can be more traumatic to a newly-trained toddler than inexplicably falling in when she thought she was doing it right.
Girls and toilet training are a difficult mix. Children can catch on quickly, but it helps if parents have the right strategies for teaching essential skills.
Each gender has their own set of needs, so parents should give special attention to these matters before starting to potty train their daughter.
Do you have any potty training tips for girls that you’d like to share? Leave a comment below!
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