Do you have a cat that is litter box trained? Read our tips for How to Keep the Cat Litter Area Clean and Tidy!

Having a cat is a major responsibility.
Even though cats seem easy to take care of, they do require daily feedings, clean water, regular vet appointments, and regular snuggle time (which usually consists of Candie cat laying on my head every night and taking up half of my pillow!)
There’s also the dreaded litter box cleanings that must take place regularly to keep your cat happy and healthy!
Before we get started, let’s answer these two important questions:
How Often Should I Scoop My Cat’s Litter Box?
Litter boxes should be scooped out at least once or twice a day. If you can scoop the box after each use, that’s even better for your cat.
How Often Should I Clean My Cat’s Litter Box?
It’s best to replace the cat litter and clean out the box with soap and warm water at least once a week.
NOTE: If you keep your litter box in a location that’s hard to be seen on a daily basis, it may be easy to forget to keep an eye on it! Post a reminder somewhere in your home to make sure you remember to scoop and clean the litter box regularly!
(In Memory of Calico Candie 7/6/2021. You can find her on Instagram!)

Cleaning the cat litter area doesn’t have to be a dreadful task.
In fact, over the last few years, I’ve developed a system that works for me when it comes to tidying up my cat’s litter box area.
When you have all of the right litter box cleaning supplies nearby, cleaning the litter box area can be a simple task!
Below, I’ve put together tips on how I keep my cat litter area clean and tidy. I’m including my must-have litter box supplies that make cleaning up a cat litter area a breeze!

How to Keep the Cat Litter Area Clean and Tidy
1. Select a piece of litter box furniture that fits in with your home decor.
Did you know there are cute furniture options to place and/or hide cat litter boxes?
If you are looking for a better way to store your cat’s litter box, consider selecting furniture that fits in with your home decor for a better overall look.
Shop Hidden Cat Litter Box Furniture at Amazon!
If you don’t have a good location for a litter box, you can hide your cat’s box in these beautiful pieces of furniture! Here are my favorite options:
BIRDROCK Home Decorative Cat House & Side Table
PAWLAND Cat Litter Box Enclosure
unipaws Designer Cat Washroom Storage Bench
New Age Pet ecoFLEX Habitat N’ Home Litter Loo
Good Pet Stuff Hidden Litter Litter Box
2. Keep a scoop and a small trash can nearby.
It’s a good idea to scoop your cat’s litter box at least once daily with a high quality litter scoop.
I keep a small trash can lined with these scented trash bags next to Candie’s litter box. When it’s time to scoop Candie’s litter, I simply scoop and toss the contents into the bag.
Then, I throw the bag away in the in the garbage can outside and line the trash can with a new liner.
You can also use these pet waste bags to dispose of your pet’s mess!
DuraScoop Jumbo Cat Litter Scoop
3. Choose a high quality litter box with a lid.
We do keep our litter box covered with a lid (not pictured above.) Here are a few examples of litter boxes with lids.
We made the mistake of not using the lid once in an old rental house and had to pay $200 in damages because she missed the box every now and then and it soaked into the baseboards. (Yuck, I know!)
Shop for a litter box that is right for your cat’s needs.
Amazon Basics No-Mess Hooded Cat Litter Box
Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box
Have you heard of an automatic self-cleaning litter box?
This may be a good option to try! I personally have not tried a self-cleaning litter box, so read reviews before purchasing if you are interested.
PetSafe ScoopFree Automatic Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box
4. Use litter box liners.
Litter box liners are super helpful for keeping Candie’s litter box clean.
I prefer these Jonny Cat jumbo liners!
I do like the bags made specifically for litter boxes because they are thick and Candie can’t tear her claws through them as easily!
When I’m ready to change her dirty litter to fresh cat litter, I’m able to dispose of the bag of litter easily.

5. Place a mat in front of the litter box.
A cat litter mat can help catch any litter that may be left on your cat’s paws.
When you are ready to clean your cat’s litter box area, gently shake the contents of the mat into the trash can.
Gorilla Grip Thick Cat Litter Trapping Mat
6. Use a small broom and dust pan for messes.
A small broom and dust pan set comes in handy to sweep up small messes, like litter tracking.

7. Choose a low tracking litter.
Nothing is more annoying than stepping on cat litter in your home or seeing it tracked all over your freshly mopped floors.
One of the reasons I implemented a cat litter cleaning routine is because I was tired of stepping on cat litter!
We invest in low tracking litter to help cut down on litter tracking.
This litter helps keep Candie’s paws clean (and my home clean!) This low dust formula also helps to keep our surfaces cleaner!
Fresh Step Advanced Clumping Cat Litter

Today I shared with you tips on how to keep the cat litter area clean and tidy. Candie is an important part of our family. I like to keep her happy by keeping her space neat for her.
Do you want to create a cute space for your cat to eat and drink? Check out How to Create a Cute Cat Feeding Station.
Traveling with your cat soon? These 8 Tips for Traveling With a Cat can help you prepare for the adventure!
Having a baby soon? Read tips for Introducing Your Pet and New Baby.
Don’t have a cat but interested in adopting one? Read our Reasons Why Pets are Good for Kids.
Cats deserve treats, too! Consider gifting your cat treats for Halloween! See our Halloween Treat Ideas for Cats.
How do you keep your cat litter area clean and tidy? Please leave your tips below!
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