Learn How to Write a Letter to Your Child with these easy and helpful letter writing tips!
In this post, I’ll share with you how to choose the right location, time, and supplies for your letter writing.
You’ll also read about how to choose what to say in your letter with a list of things you can include in the letter.
At the end of the post, you’ll find examples of letters that you can write to your child to help you get started.

As a mom, you may find yourself wanting to write a letter to your child. There are many reasons why this might be appealing.
Perhaps you want to tell them about their birth story, or share some wisdom that you’ve gained along the way.
Or maybe you just want to let them know that you love them and are thinking of them.
Whatever the reason, writing a letter to your child can be a really special experience. In this post, I’ll share some tips on how to make a letter to your child as meaningful as possible.
While you’re here, check out these other letter writing tips:
- How to Write a Letter
- How to Write a Letter to Your Daughter
- Time Capsule Letter To My Son
- What to Write in a Time Capsule Letter to Your Child
- What Do You Write in a Letter to a Child at Camp?
- How to Write Letter to Sponsored Child
When I sat back to think about writing a letter to my child, it wasn’t hard to come up with a list of reasons why my child is amazing and inspiring.
The problem is, I can get so busy with life that I don’t always take the time to tell my children these things personally, so writing a letter is a great way to sit down, collect my thoughts, and make sure each child knows how I feel about them with words.
I’d like to challenge you to take some time to write a letter to your child soon!
Letter writing is a great communication tool, but it can be difficult to write a letter because it takes time and focused energy to sit down and put your thoughts into words.
If you need some tips on writing a letter to your child, these tips may help.
Benefits of Writing a Letter to Your Child
Writing a letter to your child is a cherished tradition that can be very meaningful for both parents and children.
It’s also a great way to stay connected when you are apart. Letters offer the opportunity for parents to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with their children in a way that goes beyond just telling them what happened during the day.
They also provide kids with a window into their parents’ lives and hearts. If you have never written one before, the tips mentioned in this post can help!
The most important thing is to start today so you can enjoy the process of writing and giving letters throughout the year.
How to Write a Letter to Your Child
Gather your writing supplies.
You’ll want to make sure you have everything you need to write a letter when you decide to get started on your personal letter.
Here are a few letter writing supplies and options you may find helpful.
- Pens for Letter Writing
- Letter Writing Paper
- Stationary Set
- Envelopes
- Decorative Stamps
- Decorative Stickers
Find the right time to write a letter.
There’s no best time to write a letter to your child – just do it when the feeling strikes you!
It’s always nice for them to receive a handwritten note from you, whether it’s just to say hi or to express your love and pride.
Pick a quiet moment when you have some time to yourself, and let the words flow from your heart. Your child will cherish your letter forever.
Pick a Location where you’d like to write your letter.
There are many different places where you can write a letter to your child. You can write it anywhere that is special to you, or anywhere that has meaning for your relationship. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Coffee shop
- Local library
- Home office
- Your favorite cozy space in your home
- Place where you first met your child
- Child’s favorite park or playground
- Your backyard patio
- Anywhere that reminds you of a happy memory with your child
- In the car
- Beach
You can also write your letter to your child anywhere that you feel comfortable and safe.
Just remember to choose a place where you’ll be able to focus on your thoughts and feelings, and where you’ll have some privacy to write.
What type of letter do you want to write to your child?
There are many types of letters that you can write to your child. You may want to write a letter of love and encouragement, or a letter apologizing for something you have done.
Whatever the reason, it is important to choose the right type of letter for your child.
Some common types of letters to write to your child include:
A Letter of Love and Encouragement
This type of letter is perfect for telling your child how much you love and appreciate them. It is also a great way to encourage them in their pursuits and remind them that you are always there for them.
A Letter Apologizing for Something You Have Done
If you have made a mistake, it is important to apologize to your child. This will show them that you are willing to take responsibility for your actions and that you care about their feelings.
A Letter Asking Forgiveness
If you have done something that has hurt your child, it is important to ask for their forgiveness. This shows them that you are remorseful for your actions and that you value their relationship.
A Letter Congratulating Your Child on a Job Well Done
Whether your child has achieved a personal goal or accomplished something great, it is always nice to write a letter congratulating them on a job well done. This shows them that you are proud of their accomplishments and that you support their efforts.
No matter what type of letter you choose to write, be sure to write it from the heart. Your child will appreciate your words more if they can see that you are genuinely sincere.
Choose a type of letter that you feel will best express your feelings and be sure to take your time in writing it.
A well-written letter can make a world of difference to your child.
How to choose what to say in a letter to your child
Are you trying to decide what you should write about in a letter to your child? Here are some tips!
Think about what your child means to you. What are some of the things you love about them? What are you proud of them for? These are all great things to write about in a letter to your child.
Consider sharing some of your own experiences with your child. What lessons have you learned in life that you think would be valuable for them to know?
Think about what advice you would want to give your child. What do you want them to know about life? What do you want them to remember?
Take some time to think about what you want to say in a letter to your child.
This is an opportunity to really express your thoughts and feelings, so make sure to choose something that is important to you and that you think will be meaningful for them.
List of things you may include in a letter to your child
1. Tell your child you love them unconditionally.
2. Tell your child that you are proud of them and list a few reasons why you are proud of them.
3. Tell your child that you value your relationship with them.
4. Let your child know what kinds of things you like about them and/or the activities you like to do with them.
5. List out things that your child is good at.
6. Keep your letter short. Remember quality vs. quantity.
7. Leave out any negative criticism or complaints about your child.
8. Keep this in mind when writing your letter: “What did you like to hear from your own parents or wish you would have heard from your own parents if they were to write you a letter?
9. Use these positive words throughout your letter: love, proud, enjoy, cherish, & believe
10. Be honest with your child, in a positive way. Open up to him or her. This is your time to really tell your child how much he or she means to you.
Hopefully these tips will help you write a meaningful letter to your child!
Now that you have a few ideas of what to include in your letter, here are example letters that you can use to help you get started on your letter writing to your child.
Example letters:
Example 1:
Dear child,
I am so proud of the person you are becoming.
You are kind, caring, and always think of others. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you will do in your life.
I am grateful to be your parent and witness all your accomplishments. Keep up the great work!
Love always,
Example 2:
Dear child,
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to write and tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you.
You are such a smart, talented young man/woman with so much potential. It brings me joy to see you doing so well in school and following your dreams.
I know there will be challenges along the way, but I know that you have the strength and determination to overcome them.
I will always be here for you, no matter what. I love you more than anything in this world, and I am so proud to be your mother.
With all my love,
Example 3:
My dearest child,
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to write to you and tell you how much I love you. You are the light of my life and I am so proud of you.
I hope that you always remember how much I love you, no matter what happens in life.
No matter what storms we face in life, know that I will always be here for you, cheering you on and supporting you every step of the way. You are my everything and I will never give up on you.
I hope that this letter gives you strength and comfort knowing that no matter what, I will always love you unconditionally.
With all my love,
Example 4:
Dear Child,
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to write and tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of the person you are becoming. It seems like only yesterday you were a little baby, and now you’re growing up so fast!
It has been such a joy to watch you grow and learn new things. You have such a bright future ahead of you, and I know that you will achieve great things in your life.
I am so grateful to be your mom and to have the privilege of watching you grow into the amazing person that you are.
I love you unconditionally and no matter what happens in life, know that I will always be here for you. You are the light of my life and I am so proud to be your mother.
With all my love,
Example 5:
My dearest child,
I wanted to write you a letter and tell you about all the things I am proud of. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are such a shining example to others and an inspiration to me. You have made me so proud.
You have always been such a good example to others, even from a young age. I remember when you were just a little girl/boy, you would always help your friends and classmates.
You would go out of your way to make sure everyone felt included and accepted. You have always had such a kind heart.
You have always worked hard in school and achieved excellent grades. But more importantly, you have never been afraid to put yourself out there and try new things. You have always been confident and fearless.
You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. You have always been so positive and optimistic, no matter what life throws your way. You are always looking for the good in people and situations.
I am so proud of the person you have become and I know that you will continue to achieve great things in life. I love you so much, my dear child.
Get Started on Your Letter!
Now that you have the basic structure of a letter to your child, it’s time to get started. The most important part is simply putting thoughts and feelings into words.
Don’t worry about making the letter perfect – just let your heart speak through the pen (or keyboard).
Get started today on telling your child how much they mean to you. They will cherish these letters for a lifetime!
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