April is Earth Month! Enjoy this month with your family. Here are five ways to celebrate Earth Month as a Family.

April is Earth Month!
Earth Month is a great way to create awareness and make changes to help our planet become a better place to live. The positive changes that we make now could make a big difference in the future — from saving energy, picking up trash, to recycling and more.
10 Earth Day Activities for Kids
There are several ways to get involved this month to help our planet during Earth Month. Get involved with your neighborhood, church, school, or search locally for ways to help your community get involved.
This is also a great time to teach our children about taking care of our planet. Here are five ways to celebrate Earth Month as a family.
Five Ways to Celebrate Earth Month As a Family
Pick up trash.
Picking up trash is one of the easiest ways to help our planet. Give each family member a bag and head outdoors as a family to pick up trash! You can pick up trash in your neighborhood or even head out to a local park to pick up trash.
Finding trash can be like finding treasure when you turn this into a fun family event! We took our girls around the neighborhood to pick up trash recently. We were able to collect four full bags of trash during our walk!

Start a garden.
Kids love to get involved with gardening. Pick an area in your yard that gets good sunlight and start planting! Ask the kids what kinds of fruits or veggies they would like to grow and allow them to help you with the planting process.
You can even use containers for gardening if you don’t have the space to have a large garden.
How to Start a Container Garden with Kids
Best Gardening Supplies for Kids

We planted strawberries in containers this year. My girls poured the soil into the containers, re-potted the strawberry plants into a bigger containers. They get to take care of their own plant and watch it grow this spring!

Switch to eco-friendly products.
Many household products used today contain harmful chemicals that are toxic to our health and environment. Consider switching to eco-friendly products.
Start in your bathroom and work your way towards the kitchen area and other areas in your home.
Create nature crafts.
Create nature crafts together. Our favorite craft is the pine cone bird feeder. It’s easy to make and super fun for the kids. Here are more bird feeders for kids to make.
If you are looking for Earth Day indoor crafts or activities, these can help:
Printable Earth Day Coloring Pages

Earth Month Riddles Game for Families
Spend time outdoors at a local or state park.
Visit a local park or a state park as a family. We like to visit parks around the area for family time. During our visits, we like to take walks around the park and watch for animals, birds, insects, trees, and other pretty scenery!
Swan Lake Iris Gardens in South Carolina
During Earth Month, discuss the importance of taking care of our planet, especially taking care of the animals that live in our environment. This is a time to discuss why it’s important to keep our parks clean and litter free for the animals that live in or around the area.
Don’t forget your camera during your walk. Here are a few of the photos we were able to take during our last visit at a local park called Swan Lake!

We love seeing the Swans at Swan Lake. Can you find the heart shape in this photo?

Here’s a photo of a Great Blue Heron in South Carolina.

When we got closer to take a photo, the Great Blue Heron flew away!

We saw this Mama Duck swimming around with her babies! You can even see yellow pollen in the water surrounding the ducks. This is a great time to discuss pollen and it’s importance on our planet!

In the back of the park, we found these beautiful flowering trees. We could hear and see the bees buzzing around these trees.

This beautiful tree was a great photo opportunity. I loved seeing the petals on the ground as it gives a splash of color to the park!
How do you plan to celebrate Earth Month as a family?
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